Our dentists and team are dedicated to enhancing both the functionality and aesthetics of your smile through advanced restorative dental techniques. We do so by providing the following services:
Restorative dentistry is designed to repair and renew your teeth, bringing back their health, strength and natural beauty. Whether you are dealing with cavities, fractures, missing teeth or other dental issues, our restorative treatments in Glastonbury, Connecticut, are tailored to your specific needs. By addressing these concerns, you will experience improved chewing ability, speech and overall comfort. Beyond the functional advantages, restoring your smile can boost your self-confidence, allowing you to share your beautiful grin without hesitation.
When you choose our restorative dental services at Dental Doctors of Somerset, you are choosing a path to optimal oral health. During your initial consultation, Dr. Michael Egan and Dr. [doctr_name2] will conduct a thorough examination, including X-rays and assessments, to understand the extent of your dental concerns. Our dentists will then discuss a personalized treatment plan, outlining the recommended procedures, timeline, and cost. We utilize the latest techniques and technologies to minimize any discomfort.
Regain the strength, functionality and radiance of your smile through our transformative restorative dentistry services. Call us at 860-657-5522 to start your treatment today.